8 questions to… Charlene Li, Forrester


Continuing the ‘8 questions‘ series, Charlene Li, who came top in the recent top 50 analyst bloggers league table with Josh Bernoff in their Groundswell blog has let me know her thoughts. As a blogger supremo this shows great insight into new media. Full Q&A below…

1. Why do you blog?

1) Because I want to be part of the “conversation” that isn’t available through traditional syndicated research channels. That means shorter, more timely posts, the ability to link externally, and receive comments and trackbacks.
2) to hear directly back from blog readers what they are thinking and seeing. They are by far my greatest source of research.
3) because it’s just really darn fun!

2. Do you think blogging will be just as important in a years time, 5 years or 10 years?

Yes, but it won’t be called blogging.

3. What is your favourite blog post you have written?

My Google Bag

4. What is your favourite blog post you have read?

Can’t really remember any. That’s why I have delicious.

5. How many hours a week do you spend blogging?

1 hour

6. What other new media sites do you participate in?

a. Facebook Sometimes, increasingly more
b. MySpace Rarely, only for research
c. Twitter Rarely, only for demonstration purposes
d. Plaxo Never
e. LinkedIn Rarely
f. Flickr Rarely, but I really need to start using it when Yahoo Photos shuts down.
g. YouTube Sometimes, especially with my kids/family
h. Wiki – Almost daily
i. Other – Delicious – daily

7. List your 3 favourite blog sites you read regularly

Micro Persuasion

8. What would you blogging epitaph be?

I may die, but my blog will live on.

Thanks Charlene for your responses. Interesting how both Josh’s and your epitaph have a slight macabre element to it but your points holds a lot of truth.

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